
Monday, January 23, 2012

How My 2011 Ends?

Well, I know it's too late for me to post something about the end of our 2011. But for me there's nothing too late! Haha. Actually, yesterday I was just too lazy to wrote this, maybe I didn't exactly have the time, haha.

Oke, 2011 gue berakhir dengan happy ending haha, mengapa? Karena di tahun itu pengalaman gue bertambah lagi (gue rasa masa SMA adalah masa terbaik buat gue). I'm a little confused about where should the story begin, but yeah.. The (maybe) most memorable things in the past year (for me) are My first-and-second concert I attended, My school's study tour, An abstract painting that I've founded, and The curls of the cave ghost.. Hahaha.

Here we go!
First, is about the concerts! Yes! I finally watch my most favorited metalcore band played live, man! You know who? Yeah they're Bring Me The Horizon! Well, maybe they're not as big as Metallica or Megadeth or Beatles, but I'm so freaking at them. Awalnya gue biasa aja baca beritanya, karena berita yg sebelum2nya berujung dengan pengancellan -___- tapi mendekati hari H, ga ada perubahan berita, yg berarti kedatangannya ga di cancel lg, wess langsung ajee gue cari seribu alesan untung dapet money dari nyokap buat beli tiket! Hahaha. Yah, awalnya bilang mau beli sepatu bawuu, tapi akhirnya ketahuan juga buat nonton konser, haha yaudah deh gue (terpaksa) jujur. Sempet pesimis juga sih karena kegep sepik, tapi tiket udah di tangan, jadi ya kembali optimis! Hahaha. Dan akhirnya gue nonton dan ulasan dari guenya (*aseek ulasan) bisa diliat disini

Terus belum hilang atmosfir kesenangan yg gue dapet dari konser BMTH, gue dapet info event konser Alesana pulak! Hahaha busyeeeng my most-favorited post-hardcore band itu! Yg ini sedikit lebih memusingkan karena duit gue sempet ilang pas 2 hari sebelum mau beli tiketnya, tapi berhubung memang keberuntungan masih menaungi gue (aseek), yaa gue dapet aja lagi kan modal buat beli tiketnya hahaha. Dan hasilnya?? Ini!

Second, yg kedua adalah tentang study tour sekolah gue, dimana gue sangat enjoy dan menikmati tiap kebersamaannya. Gokil bareng, tetap mengeluarkan kebiasaan kami tanpa pandang bulu dan tempat. Hahaha gatau malu juga sih, tapi yg kaya gini yg gue suka. Dari seru2an di bus, ceng2an ama guru, berpakaian ala teroris, memanfaatkan suasana hotel yg ditinggalkan para guru untuk bermodus ria (kerjaan para lelaki yg berhidung belang), mins dll. That's all was an unforgettable memory for me! :D

Third,  ini adalah tentang seseorang yg gue ibaratkan sebuah lukisan abstrak. Lo tau lukisan abstrak? Ya, aneh, gajelas, membingungkan, orang mikir pasti itu sebuah karya asal2an, jelek. Tapi bagi yg sudah mengerti, merasakan, lukisan itu akan sangat indah, iya sulit dideskripsikan, tapi sentuhan goresan dan warnanya seperti sebuah wakil perasaan sang pelukis. Gue bahkan sempat kinda love that alive-painting, hahaha that's true, cuz I thought we have the same world and it would be interesting! But it was just my thought, cuz she was first seen by others who seemed very, very love her. As she told me 'bout him, I was really apreciate his act to her, so passionate! And the most awkward thing is I just seen her, ONCE. but how can? Gue aje gak ngerti nape, hahaha. Dan akhirnya mereka menjalin cerita (wkwkwk bahasanye kampret), dan gue pun begitu, but just like my words, "If I used to, then it will be! If  I'm not? Then it won't!"

Fourth, yes she is a girl who come to my life at the end of 2011, firstly she wasn't make me impressed, but I think she's mature enough to me, we're going too close that make me feel something different from the very start. I'm happy to be with her now, she can accept me, my world, my habbit as I am. Gua gatau kata-kata apalagi yg bisa gue tulis untuk menjelaskan but I love you, hahaha ;) 

Well, that's my story for last 2011. Lemme know yours! Feel free to share it with me! :D

Andreas Bastian